Construction Heater Manuals

Below are portable construction heater manuals for major manufacturers DESA International, Enerco, and L.B. White. While not an exhaustive listing, we've tried to provide documentation for most of the historically popular brands and models that would be most useful.

To more quickly find your heater model number, on a PC click "window key + F" and on a Mac click "Command + F" to use the browser window search feature. Type in your model number there and hit Enter and it will scroll you to the model number.

For additional assistance call 1-800-362-6951 and ask to speak to a technical specialist.

Reddy Heaters

DESA Heaters

Heatstar Heaters

Mr. Heater Heaters

LB White Heaters


Mr. Heater heater manuals




Heatstar heater manuals




L.B. White heater manuals for brands including Premier, Tradesman, Workman, Norseman, and Sun Blast




DESA Brands heater manuals including Reddy, Master, Toro, Remington, and others: